Monday, October 04, 2004


Reading "Bush Signs Tax Bill in Swing State of Iowa" (AP), my first thought was "since when is Iowa a swing state?"

I'd expect a swing state to have more trees, both to provide convenient branches from which to swing and to provide lumber for the construction of standalone swing sets. I've always considered heavily wooded states like Massachusetts, home of seminal wooden swing set manufacturer ChildLife, and Maine, home of playset manufacturer CedarWorks, to be the key swing states. I also acknowledge that partisans of Wisconsin-based Swing-N-Slide's swing creations consider that state to be a swing state as well. While I don't agree with their categorization, I respect their right to assert it.

But I've yet to hear anything swing-worthy about Iowa, either as a particularly swing-happy state or as a producer of swings for other states, so I remain flummoxed by this article's puzzling headline and unable to read the rest of it.